Postclassical: China, Japan, Mongol and Mesoamerica

  1. 5. A book that contains glyphs in Maya or Aztec culture
  2. 7. Country who missed out on the Renaissance due to Mongol occupation
  3. 9. United all the Mongol clans and tribes
  4. 11. Public works project that united north and south China
  5. 13. Form of government in Middle Ages Europe and the Japanese Shogunates
  6. 16. Inca form of record keeping
  7. 19. A code followed by the Samurai in Japan
  8. 21. Involves the belief in Kami (spirits) and ancestor worship
  9. 23. The Mongol Chinese dynasty
  10. 24. Post classical culture that granted women more rights
  11. 25. Incredible at both math and astronomy, created a very accurate calendar
  12. 26. Maiz, cacao, slaves, and sacrifices for the Aztec
  13. 27. The Chinese government and Mongolian military promotions
  14. 29. Taika reforms are an example of Japan doing this
  15. 30. The staple crop of Mesoamerica
  16. 31. China's most famous explorer
  17. 32. Country that was against adopting Chinese culture
  1. 1. Founders of Tenochtitlan, built a big empire in Central Mexico
  2. 2. Country that was better at making porcelain than the Chinese
  3. 3. Something traded unintentionally by the Mongols to Europe
  4. 4. Country where the printing press was invented
  5. 6. The largest Post Classical Chinese dynasty
  6. 8. Used by Africans, Mongols, and Native Americans. A religious man who heals
  7. 10. Conquerors of the Aztec and Inca
  8. 12. A mix of Buddhism, Daoism, and Confucianism
  9. 14. Religion introduced to China after the fall of the Han
  10. 15. A source of food production in Lake Texcoco
  11. 17. Chinese dynasty with money problems caused by a giant bureaucracy
  12. 18. Labor turns/Inca form of tribute
  13. 20. Chinese invention that is going to revolutionize war
  14. 22. A mineral important to the Maya and Aztec
  15. 28. Fighters in the Mongol Horde