Love you

  1. 2. "I like it. It's ..." said Cub
  2. 3. ʻOumuamua' is classified as an
  3. 8. one of Matthew McConaughey's many professions
  4. 10. famous historical suspension bridges
  5. 11. a presence who's toils have been evaded thus far
  6. 12. a wily creature well renowned
  7. 13. most used ink hue
  8. 14. napping next to alarms
  9. 15. worst part of teaching
  1. 1. rebar- prefix full word meaning
  2. 4. a secret
  3. 5. temp not currently working in vacinity
  4. 6. she has her machines
  5. 7. The attitude of Scion that levels the opposite attitude of Cub
  6. 9. 'key word is...'
  7. 16. older generational term for marijuana