Postnatal Care

  1. 1. helps heal stitches
  2. 4. born before due date
  3. 8. to give instruction
  4. 9. member of homecare team
  5. 12. bleed excessively
  6. 13. reason mom can't breast feed
  7. 16. unhappy baby
  8. 17. cut/stitches from birth
  9. 18. chores at home
  1. 2. possible problem with incision
  2. 3. have more than one baby
  3. 5. surgery not natural birth
  4. 6. numbness/pain in back or legs after this
  5. 7. serious mommy blues
  6. 10. what baby drinks if not breast milk
  7. 11. attached to mom in womb
  8. 14. problem after birth
  9. 15. to help with tasks