Postpartum Depression (PPD)

  1. 6. diabetes that some women get during pregnancy
  2. 9. people who meet together or go online to share feeling and experiences about certain topics
  3. 11. a therapy that helps manage negative thoughts
  4. 13. a rare and severe form of depression
  5. 14. a therapy that helps you identify and deal with conditions and problems in your personal life
  6. 16. when your baby dies before birth
  1. 1. best food for baby throughout their first year of life
  2. 2. chemicals in your body
  3. 3. feeling of sadness you may have after having baby(Not PPD)
  4. 4. medicine used to defeat many kinds of depression
  5. 5. body cells that store instructionsfor the way your body grows and work
  6. 7. plays an important part in your menstral cycle and pregnancy
  7. 8. a gland in your neck that helps your body store and use energy from food
  8. 10. pre existing diabetes
  9. 12. helps protect baby from harmful infections
  10. 15. a medical condition that many women get after having a baby