Postpartum Hemorrhage By MQN

  1. 2. Uterine atony the most common cause of postpartum hemorrhage
  2. 6. synthetic form of nanopeptide. Can be given by intravenous or IM injection. Most effective treatment for PPH
  3. 9. may be the earliest sign of postpartum hemorrhage
  4. 10. the injection of a substance into muscle
  5. 12. Coagulation defects can cause a hemorrhage or be the result of one
  6. 15. organ that develops in your uterus during pregnancy and expels after the baby is born.
  7. 19. medication used after Childbirth to help stop bleeding from the uterus. Avoid administering if patient has high blood pressure.
  8. 20. treatment for diarrhea
  1. 1. heavy bleeding following childbirth.
  2. 3. a condition where blood clots are excessively formed in the body's blood vessels.
  3. 4. massage a technique used to reduce bleeding and cramping of the uterus after Childbirth.
  4. 5. indicated for treatment of postpartum hemorrhage, Side effects: diarrhea
  5. 7. route is the fastest way to deliver medications and fluid replacement throughout the body.
  6. 8. Retained placenta prevents the uterus from contracting enough to achieve optimal tone
  7. 11. Lacerations and hematomas can cause significant blood loss that can be lessened by hemostasis and timely repair
  8. 13. balloon, a silicone, obstetrical balloon device is used for conservative management of Uterine bleeding
  9. 14. This is surgery to open the abdomen to find the cause of bleeding.
  10. 16. The most effective strategy to prevent postpartum hemorrhage is _____ management of the third stage of labor
  11. 17. acid pharmacologic agent with demonstrated effectiveness for reducing the incidence of death from blood loss following trauma and major surgery.
  12. 18. an inexpensive medication that can be given orally and rectally