Potato chips

  1. 2. planet object that orbits the sun
  2. 4. massive planets
  3. 6. giants larger planets, jupiter, saturn, gaseous
  4. 7. steep cliffs
  5. 10. satellites- twist and knots when interacting with ring particles
  6. 12. meteorities that have no chondrules
  7. 14. white observation on jupiter
  8. 17. a force acts repeatedly on a body
  9. 19. belt- a region between the orbits of mars and jupiter. 2 AU- 4 AU from the sun
  10. 21. solid body in space before it reaches the atomosphere
  11. 23. cloud-large aggregate of gas and dust
  12. 24. glowing trail of hot gas
  13. 25. small round chunks of rocky material.
  1. 1. meteorites structure
  2. 3. red spot- famous spot found on jupiter
  3. 5. to pass
  4. 8. small planetlike bodies
  5. 9. limit- a breakup if moon comes closer than 2.44 planetary radii
  6. 11. giants- smaller planets, neptune uranus
  7. 13. icy
  8. 15. gas cools, molecules stick together
  9. 16. grains- tiny dust particles
  10. 18. observation on jupiter
  11. 20. rocky
  12. 22. small fragments of meteoroids.