  1. 2. Ollivander’s product
  2. 5. it’s like cooking but magic
  3. 9. smartest witch her age
  4. 10. harry has this on his forehead
  5. 12. the redhead bff
  6. 13. received a sock
  7. 14. prison guards
  8. 15. You’re a ____ Harry!
  9. 16. House of badgers
  10. 20. house of the brave
  11. 23. to close - mischief managed
  12. 24. using powder to travel
  13. 25. Sirus's animagus form name
  1. 1. what do wizards have
  2. 3. ie. wingardium leviosa
  3. 4. the boy who lived
  4. 6. the spy
  5. 7. what Remus Lupin is
  6. 8. the headmaster
  7. 11. prison
  8. 16. wizarding town by the school
  9. 17. he who must not be named
  10. 18. house of sneaky
  11. 19. the school
  12. 21. house of the wise birds
  13. 22. blond purebloods