  1. 5. Harry's room at the Dursley's was under the what?
  2. 6. Harry's magic cloak made him what?
  3. 8. Non-magical people
  4. 10. Keeper of the keys and grounds at Hogwarts
  5. 12. I helped Harry and Ron with spells
  6. 14. School of magic
  7. 15. A game played while riding a magic broom.
  1. 1. Harry, Ron, and Hermione all had magic what?
  2. 2. Whose name we cannot speak
  3. 3. Harry and Ron drove a flying what?
  4. 4. Head professor
  5. 5. This professor is the head of the Slytherins
  6. 7. Number one Harry Potter fan
  7. 9. Which Malfoy was always irritating Harry?
  8. 11. The Hogwart express is a what?
  9. 12. A loud or angry letter.
  10. 13. Harry's last name