Power To The People

  1. 2. Many homes in places such as Hong Kong use these to stay warm during the winter months, they cost less to run that electric heaters
  2. 4. a mutual relationship or connection between two or more things. Note: two things can be correlated but they might not be anything to do with each other.
  3. 5. A region of a power station in which heat (thermal) energy is exchanged between two materials. Often this occurs between the furnace and the boiler
  4. 6. gases such as carbon dioxide and methane that act as a blanket around the earth re emitting heat back towards the earth
  5. 8. light energy that humans can see (most of the energy from the sun's light energy)
  6. 11. Large walls built across canyons or to block lakes that involve some of this trapped water to run and turn a turbine and hence generate electricity
  7. 13. The process of running a hydroelectric dam backwards in order to store electrical energy at times of low demand
  8. 14. An energy source that is being replaced more quickly than it is being used by humans
  9. 15. The monthly demand from a power company for money in exchange for the electricity they have provided
  10. 17. Many homes in places such as Hong Kong use these to stay warm during the winter months, they cost a lot to run
  11. 18. Energy associated with the random motion of particles. Often confused with temperature
  12. 19. A device in the home that burns gas (methane, the same gas as in bunsen burners) to usually heat water
  13. 23. In many colder parts of the world, homes have a system of pipes in which hot water is pumped round, this heat transfers to the room keeping it warm
  14. 26. is a relationship between events or things, where one is the result of the other or others
  15. 27. Light bulbs that transfer most of their energy into light energy are called this. Most light bulbs/lights in your home are these nowadays
  16. 30. the process of heat transfer involving the bulk movement of particles, primarily in liquids and gases
  17. 32. Many homes use these to clean the air of particulates, they cost a lot to run because they use a lot of electricity
  18. 33. A very effective method of insulation that prevents heat flowing through the outer walls of a home
  19. 37. An energy source that is not being replaced as we use it (at least we would have to wait millions of years to replace only a few 100 years of use)
  20. 40. the increase in the number of individuals in a population
  21. 45. A word used to describe water in the gas state. Often in reference to the water vapour being in a high pressure state as well
  22. 48. the process by which radiation from a planet's atmosphere warms the planet's surface to a temperature above what it would be without its atmosphere
  23. 51. A very effective method of insulation that prevents heat flowing through the windows of a home
  24. 53. is what someone thinks will happen. A prediction is a forecast, but not only about the weather. Pre means “before” and “diction” has to do with talking. So a prediction is a statement about the future. It's a guess, sometimes based on facts or evidence, but not always.
  25. 60. An often large building or complex of buildings used to produce huge amount of electrical energy (secondary energy source) from primary energy sources such as fossil fuels
  26. 61. the physical and biological factors along with their chemical interactions that affect an organism or a group of organisms
  27. 62. the process by which organisms turn carbon in the atmosphere into living tissue/material (how plants make their own food and structure)
  28. 63. Large walls built across inlets that can trap the incoming tide and then turn the flowing water into elect
  29. 64. light energy that is just beyond the range of human sight and that is given off by hot objects
  30. 65. A place where materials (often fuels) are burnt and the energy is released as heat
  31. 66. Devices that can convert (transform) light energy directly into electrical energy
  32. 67. A turbine that is set up in areas where the waves are fast/strong to generate electricity
  33. 68. This can be obtained by the fermentation of sugars and can be used in place of petrol or diesel
  1. 1. A place in a power station where water is turned into steam
  2. 3. Large batteries that can be used in homes to store the energy generated from solar cells and wind turbines so that the energy is available when it is needed (at night time or when it is not sunny/windy)
  3. 4. Chemicals, often large or complex ones have chemical potential energy. Through chemical reactions this energy can be released and transformed into other forms (often heat)
  4. 7. This can be obtained from regular water and then can be used as a fuel or can be generated in a hydrogen fuel cell
  5. 9. A way of generating electricity using unstable heavy elements such as Uranium and Plutonium
  6. 10. Devices that use electricity to run are called this
  7. 12. The process by which the relative movement of a wire in a magnetic field (either the physical movement of the wire or the magnet whichever is easiest) causes electricity to flow
  8. 16. the process of heat transfer that involves the vibrations of particles knocking into each other, primarily in solids
  9. 20. Many homes use these to reduce the amount of water vapour in the air around them (and/or to quickly dry clothes when it is humid) they cost a lot to run
  10. 21. Devices, often on the roofs of buildings in sunny areas, that heat water directly for use in the home
  11. 22. The high capacity power lines that come from a power station and distribute electrical energy (electricity) to homes and factories
  12. 24. A device that turns kinetic energy into electrical energy using the process of electromagnetic induction (involving magnets and wires moving relative to each other)
  13. 25. sometimes wrongly referred to as climate change or global warming, is the impact on the climate from the additional heat retained due to the increased amounts of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases that humans have released into the earth's atmosphere since the industrial revolution.
  14. 28. the spreading out of energy from a source, in most terms this is how energy can be transferred through a vacuum (where there are no particles)
  15. 29. economic development that is conducted without depletion of natural resources
  16. 30. changes to the earth’s climate such as temperature, weather patterns that might be explained by the enhanced greenhouse effect
  17. 31. Fuels other than fossil fuels such as Ethanol, biodiesel, hydrogen are alternative fuels, they tend to be renewable
  18. 34. A substance that can be burnt (combusted) to release heat energy (from the chemical potential energy locked in its structure)
  19. 35. the state or process of rotting; decay
  20. 36. is the removal of a forest or stand of trees where the land is thereafter converted to a non-forest use
  21. 38. A diagram used to represent the relative amounts of energy transferred in a situation
  22. 39. changes to the average temperature of the earth due to the enhanced greenhouse effect
  23. 41. A system used in many homes in Hong Kong that uses evaporative cooling to reduce the temperature of a home, It uses a lot of electrical energy
  24. 42. the biogeochemical cycle by which carbon is exchanged among the biosphere, geosphere, hydrosphere, and atmosphere of the Earth
  25. 43. the amount of carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere as a result of the activities of a particular individual, organization, or community
  26. 44. A proposed method of generating electricity by simulating conditions at the centre of the sun
  27. 46. The time taken for an energy saving solution or insulation method to pay for itself in energy bill savings
  28. 47. The process by which a fuel is reacted with oxygen to release energy (and also the molecules carbon dioxide and water as a product)
  29. 49. a result or effect, typically one that is unwelcome or unpleasant
  30. 50. The process by which we can put materials that don’t allow heat energy to flow to save energy (either to prevent a room or home getting too cold or too hot)
  31. 52. A method of utilising thermal energy from within the earth's core to generate electricity
  32. 54. the process by which organisms turn energy locked up in glucose (which itself may have been converted from other molecules) into energy for cellular work (also releasing carbon dioxide)
  33. 55. Fuels that originally formed from dead animals and plants from millions of years ago
  34. 56. A turbine that is set up in windy areas to generate electricity
  35. 57. the available body of facts or information indicating whether a belief or proposition is true or valid
  36. 58. An object that spins when air or other fluids passes over it.
  37. 59. The amount of money that it costs to build and install either insulation or an energy saving solution