
  1. 1. a word that has the same meaning
  2. 5. authentic objects used for teaching
  3. 7. a group of words that are chosen to be taught in a particular lesson
  4. 8. any relevant pronunciation that needs to be taught
  5. 9. helping students to make the connections to what they already know
  6. 12. how the target vocabulary is used in a sentence
  7. 13. endings that change the part of speech of the vocabulary
  1. 2. the form of the target vocabulary, including endings, grammar, etc.
  2. 3. the meaning of vocabulary
  3. 4. acting out the meaning
  4. 6. visual representation made by the teacher while students are watching
  5. 10. things that students easily confuse with your target vocabulary
  6. 11. getting students to give answers