
  1. 7. The Sixth Chan Patriarch
  2. 8. Antidote to anger
  3. 9. A key teaching of the heart sutra is dependent _____, also known as interdependence
  4. 11. The extinction of all duhkha (suffering); ultimate peace
  5. 13. A teaching to counter the delusion of permanence
  6. 14. Subhuti is attributed as foremost in the understanding of ____
  7. 15. A title of the Buddha translated as "thus come one"
  8. 17. The Bodhisattva of compassion, also known as "Guanyin"
  9. 19. Sanskrit word for 'gone beyond' or 'perfection'
  10. 20. An advanced state of mental concentration
  11. 21. The sixth and most important paramita
  12. 22. The second of the 12 links of interdependence
  1. 1. A disciple of the Buddha, "foremost in wisdom"
  2. 2. "anuttarasamyaksambodhi" means "unsurpassed complete _____"
  3. 3. Japanese equivalent of chinese 'Chan'
  4. 4. ___ views - a kind of false view; also known as 'extreme views'
  5. 5. One of the five skandhas
  6. 6. One of the three I's that constitute emptiness - incomplete ___
  7. 10. The Heart Sutra ends with the mantra: "____ ____ paragate parasamgate bodhi svaha"
  8. 12. Sanskrit word for ignorance
  9. 16. Shakyamuni Buddha's son
  10. 18. Buddha of the Western Pureland