Pre-Algebra Vocabulary

  1. 2. Answer to addition
  2. 4. What does the multiplication property tell you to do to exponents?
  3. 9. The set of numbers that include positive and negative numbers and zero
  4. 10. The top of a fraction
  5. 12. The opposite of a number
  6. 13. Addition property that says you can change the grouping of the addends
  7. 15. Answer to multiplication
  8. 16. What do you call the large number for a number written in exponent form?
  9. 17. Multiplication property demonstrated here: 5x7=7x5
  10. 19. Property of addition that says for all integers a and b, a + b is an integer
  1. 1. Answer to division
  2. 3. The E in PEMDAS
  3. 4. The distance a number is from zero on the number line
  4. 5. A number written as the product of a number between 1 and 10 and a power of 10.
  5. 6. Property of addition demonstrated here: 6 + (-6) = 0
  6. 7. Answer to subtraction
  7. 8. Examples: > or <
  8. 11. Property of addition that says when you add 0 to a number, it doesn't change the number
  9. 14. Symbol used to represent an unknown number
  10. 18. Place value of the 5 in the number: 34.596