Pre-Civil War America Quiz

  1. 4. The Cotton Gin was invented by Eli _______________
  2. 5. Slavery was replaced in the North by cheap _________________ immigrant labor
  3. 10. A person who was against slavery was known as an _____________________
  4. 12. The majority of slaves went to ____________, not North America
  5. 13. The Southern Economy was based on ______________, specifically the growing of cotton
  6. 14. The ____________ Slave Act made required all citizens to help return escaped slaves
  7. 15. The big debate when new states were admitted to the Union was whether they would come in as Slave or _________ States
  8. 16. The trend of the United States to develop differently in certain places led to __________________
  9. 18. Even though most of us believe it is a good thing, __________________ helped lead to the Civil War
  10. 21. Another name for voting on an issue is Popular __________________
  11. 23. A __________ is the sum total of ways of living passed down generation to generation by a group of people
  12. 26. The North was more ____________ meaning people lived in and around cities
  13. 27. The passage of the Kansas/______________ Act helped start Bleeding Kansas
  14. 28. Due to the factory system developing slavery __________ out in the North
  1. 1. Harriet Beecher Stowe wrote the famous anti-slavery book Uncle Tom's _______________
  2. 2. John ______________ believed murder was fine if it helped free the slaves
  3. 3. The ______________ Compromise happened in 1820
  4. 6. The first major industry to take off in the North was the __________________ industry
  5. 7. The economy in the North was based on _____________ and industry
  6. 8. In the South one nickname for cotton was "___________ Cotton" because of the wealth
  7. 9. The _________________ Trade Route brought most of the slaves to the New World
  8. 11. The modern term for slavery is "human ______________"
  9. 17. In the Northern culture an ___________________ was responsible for his or her own success through hard work
  10. 19. The idea that you can move up in the world through hard work is called Social ______________
  11. 20. The debate over slavery got worse as America grew and expanded _________________
  12. 22. The South was ______________ meaning it was country and farmland, not cities
  13. 23. Society in the South was based on wealth and social ______________
  14. 24. An _________________ is the management of a nation or communities resources with a view toward productivity
  15. 25. Cotton, Tobacco, Indigo and Rice were all considered large _____________ crops