Pre-Civil War Crossword Puzzle

  1. 7. Union fort; location of a battle of the Civil War
  2. 10. author of "Uncle Tom's Cabin"
  3. 13. planned attack led by John Brown to steal weapons from an arsenal in Virginia
  4. 14. state in which slavery is legal
  5. 16. southern portion from the Kansas-Nebraska Act
  6. 19. laws to control the behavior of slaves and to complicate life
  7. 20. a loyalty to a section or part of the country
  8. 21. proposed the Kansas-Nebraska Act
  1. 1. secret system organized to help slaves escape to the North
  2. 2. president of the Confederacy
  3. 3. declared California a free state; Fugitive Slave Law was passed
  4. 4. the states located in between the Union and the Confederacy
  5. 5. forcing people to do labor (typically a group in minority)
  6. 6. the states that remained loyal to the United States
  7. 8. the states that seceded from the United States
  8. 9. northern portion from the Kansas-Nebraska Act
  9. 11. idea that states have the right to make decisions about issues that concern them
  10. 12. state in which slavery is illegal
  11. 15. most famous "conductor" of the Underground Railroad
  12. 17. the war fought between the Union and Confederacy
  13. 18. to break away from the United States