Pre-Diabetes Crossword

  1. 5. A major study called the Diabetes Prevention Program found that the risk of diabetes can be reduced by as much as 58% by making healthier ____ choices and increasing activity levels.
  2. 7. Risk factors for diabetes you ______ change are your age, family history, ethnicity, having a history of gestational diabetes, or having a baby that weighed more than 9lbs at birth.
  3. 8. In the Diabetes Prevention Program, people who lost 5-10% of their body weight by making healthy gfood choices and exercising >150 minutes were the most successful at improving their _______ levels and preventing type II diabetes.
  4. 9. If you do develop type 2 _______ you are at risk for heart attack, stroke, circulation problems, kidney disease, eye disease, nerve disease, and amputation.
  5. 10. An A1c result of between 5.7-6.4% you have _________.
  6. 13. ____ _______ for diabetes you ___ change are having high blood pressure, low HDL cholesterol, high triglycerides, and being overweight as well as inactive. (Two word answer)
  7. 17. Reduce the amount of "___" fats you eat. Those are called saturated as well as trans fats.
  8. 18. Remember, with healthy ________ changes you can reduce your risk of type II diabetes 58%. That's double the benefit of medications.
  9. 19. Find things you enjoy that get you moving. If you have ___ while exercising it won't feel so much like a workout.
  10. 20. All fats are not the same. Some fats called monounsatured fats and poly-unsaturated fats are better for you and can actually help you lower your risk for _____ disease.
  11. 21. Talk with your dietician to find out which fats are best for you.
  12. 22. An A1c result of 6.5% or higher means you have type II _______.
  13. 23. When it comes to making healthy food choices, remember "everything in moderation". Take control of your ______ sizes.
  1. 1. Your body turns food into ________, a form of sugar, and uses it for energy.
  2. 2. All carbs are no the same! Some carbohydrate foods are ________, or high in refined sugar and should be enjoyed only in small amounts because they usually offer little or no nutritional value.
  3. 3. Your healthcare team can help you set _____ that you can achieve safely.
  4. 4. Add a few nuts or seeds to the foods you choose to get the benefit of "____" fat.
  5. 5. When regarding carbs, try fresh, high fiber carbohydrates like whole wheat pasta or brown rice.
  6. 6. Blood test that measures the average amount of glucose in your blood over the past 2-3 months
  7. 10. Choose ______ _______ every day to help lower your blood glucose levels and lose weight. (Two word answer)
  8. 11. When it comes to ___, remember that all ___(s) are high in calories.
  9. 12. Monitoring your blood glucose, making healthy food choices, regular physical activity, taking oral medications, and finding support are all a part of a comprehensive _________ plan.
  10. 14. Medications are not a ________ for healthy lifestyle changes.
  11. 15. It is recommended that you get at least ____ servings or fruits and vegetables each day.
  12. 16. The Diabetes Prevention Program study shows that for some people the medication _______ can reduce the risk of developing type II diabetes about 30%.