Pre Natal Development

  1. 3. Large disc shaped structure, that provides nutritional needs, oxygen, antibodies and hormones to the fetus
  2. 7. Stage where most major internal and external organs develop
  3. 8. Death of at least 400g birthweight or at least 20 weeks gestation
  4. 9. Lifespans begins at
  5. 10. A fertilised egg before cell division
  6. 11. Illness of unborn babies
  7. 12. Conception to implantation
  1. 1. A mass of cells
  2. 2. When the sperm unites and fuses with a mature ovum, high in the fallopian tube
  3. 4. Form of diabetes that only occurs during pregnancy
  4. 5. Deaths amongst pregnant women where the cause of death is directly attributed to pregnancy
  5. 6. Ball of cells