Prefix-Suffix Puzzle

  1. 4. changing number
  2. 5. easy to express
  3. 6. feeling good physically or mentally
  4. 7. bad results after sth.(war,disaster)
  5. 9. a small quantitiy
  6. 11. outside/limits of the earth
  7. 16. pronounce incorrectly
  8. 17. strong/tough
  9. 19. easy of approach
  10. 21. good reputation
  11. 23. a group of three
  12. 24. highly excitable
  13. 25. not familiar
  14. 26. if sth. can be cured
  1. 1. costing little
  2. 2. keeping sth. safe
  3. 3. earlier view
  4. 5. capable of being exchanged
  5. 6. speech,writing or signs
  6. 8. have no solution
  7. 10. easy to understand
  8. 12. a transition or change
  9. 13. history of a person's life written or told by that person
  10. 14. home for fish
  11. 15. resist,ignore
  12. 18. outside the natural order
  13. 20. feeling young,being fresh
  14. 22. sweet taste