Pregnancy and Addiction

  1. 1. medication that induces labor or expels retained products of conception
  2. 3. cure for eclampsia
  3. 7. placenta detaches from uterus usually painful
  4. 9. most miscarriage occur before this week
  5. 12. cluster of cells that form blastocyst
  6. 15. Tube residing between ovary and uterus
  7. 16. week when embryo is about one-half inch long
  8. 17. inner mucous membrane of uterus
  9. 20. week that implantation occurs
  10. 21. egg implants outside of uterus
  1. 2. placenta covers os usually painless
  2. 4. diabetes that was not present prior to pregnancy
  3. 5. one-celled entity formed from union of egg and sperm
  4. 6. labor occurring after 20 weeks and before 27 weeks
  5. 8. tube that closes to form brain and spinal cord
  6. 10. serious blood pressure condition after 20 weeks
  7. 11. side that pregnant women should be place on
  8. 13. fluid surrounding embryo or fetus in uterus
  9. 14. upper part of uterus
  10. 18. produces and stores eggs and makes hormones
  11. 19. begins about 2 weeks after first day of last period