Pregnancy and Birth defects

  1. 3. bones and teeth development
  2. 5. Babies foot twisted out of shape
  3. 6. high in fish specially large fish, damages immune system
  4. 7. Higher risk of miscarriage
  5. 11. Diabetes need insulin, shots or pills
  6. 12. Bifida A disease where the spinal cord doesn't fully develop
  1. 1. Fibroses Lung infection, it's a recessive gene
  2. 2. Palate Opening or split in the roof of the mouth
  3. 3. Not eating for two... Eating for 1.2
  4. 4. disorder, obsessive interest, repetitive behaviors
  5. 5. Palsy Brain injury, brain malformation
  6. 8. Impaired Hearing loss that prevents from totally receiving sounds through the ear
  7. 9. Sach Neurodegenarative disorder of the CNS.
  8. 10. syndrome A third copy of chromosomes 21