Pregnancy Terms Practice

  1. 1. Cell that embeds in the uterine wall
  2. 3. Month where mother feels baby movements
  3. 5. Temporary organ takes of hCG production in month 3
  4. 8. Month where baby has fully developed lungs
  5. 10. 8 week old embryo
  6. 11. made up of the ectoderm, mesoderm and endoderm
  7. 12. Will eventually create nervous system
  8. 13. Month where cardiovascular system is fully developed in fetus
  9. 14. Stage of labor where female cervix begins dilating from 3-10cm
  10. 15. Occurs day 6/7 after fertilization
  1. 2. The period of rapid mitotic division of zygote
  2. 4. Will eventually create the digestive, respiratory and urogenital system
  3. 5. Prompts uterus for pregnancy
  4. 6. Prompts corpus luteum to make progesterone
  5. 7. Clump of 16 cells, about 72 hours after fertilization
  6. 9. Stage of labor were placenta is delivered
  7. 11. The time from last menstraul period to birth of baby