
  1. 5. trading what you have for what you want
  2. 8. more than you need
  3. 9. passing information onto a new generation
  4. 10. human made object
  5. 11. metal made out of copper and tin; early metal weapons and tools
  6. 15. to tame an animal
  7. 16. old stone age; time of ice age and multiple human species
  8. 17. bone turned to rock
  9. 19. bringing water to your crops
  10. 20. beginning of farming
  1. 1. Scientific name for our species
  2. 2. place where people worship gods or goddesses
  3. 3. equal
  4. 4. working a job that lines up with your talents
  5. 6. lifestyle where nomads look for food in nature
  6. 7. two legs; makes humans different from primates
  7. 12. people who move from place to place looking for food
  8. 13. people who live off their animal flocks
  9. 14. large stone
  10. 18. new stone age; time after ice age and early farming