Premature Infants- Respiratory

  1. 3. Ballard score of 30 or less indicates
  2. 5. Oxygen device applied to infants with respiratory distress to assist with ventilation by using pressure
  3. 6. Late sign of hypoxia seen on a general assessment
  4. 7. Can occur intercostal, subcostal, substernal
  5. 8. Expiratory sound heard with respiratory distress
  6. 11. A unit where respiratory distress syndrome and premature infants go to receive intense care
  7. 13. Chest x-ray diagnostic test will appear with a _____-_____ appearance
  8. 14. Premature infants are at risk for developing this GI complication
  9. 15. Respiratory acidosis is corrected with
  10. 19. Skin color that indicates early hypoxia assessed on an infant with RDS
  11. 20. Lung sounds on auscultation for an infant with respiratory distress syndrome
  12. 22. Complications of respiratory distress that are related to oxygen therapy and mechanical ventilation
  13. 24. Condition of the heart often associated with respiratory distress syndrome
  1. 1. Medication given before birth to promote lung maturity
  2. 2. Preterm infants are at risk for developing this condition due to insufficient brown fat stores
  3. 4. given after birth to help the lungs function properly
  4. 9. Inflammatory process of the alveoli related to underdeveloped lungs and a deficiency of surfactant.
  5. 10. Maternal factor that is tested for and places the fetus at risk for being born with respiratory distress syndrome
  6. 12. One device the nurse must place on a premature infant with respiratory distress syndrome
  7. 16. Phospholipid that promotes alveoli expansion, keeps the alveoli from collapsing, and allows for optimal gas exchange to occur
  8. 17. Babies born less than 37 weeks gestation
  9. 18. The nurse assessing for respiratory distress may note this breathing pattern
  10. 21. Maternal use of this drug class close to birth is a risk factor for respiratory distress syndrome
  11. 23. Hypoxemia and acidosis are diagnosed by