Preparation for work

  1. 2. having the ability to keep trying
  2. 3. the art of speaking and listening
  3. 5. what keeps poeple going
  4. 7. vitae a full and comprehensive list of personal details and achievements
  5. 9. language through your physical being
  6. 10. a record of recording hours
  7. 11. what makes you employable
  8. 14. money earnt for work
  9. 17. having the ability to take knock backs
  1. 1. a formal demonstration of interest
  2. 4. rewards for achievement
  3. 6. being prompt
  4. 8. the aility to keep this under pressure
  5. 11. eyeball to eyeball communication
  6. 12. keeping oneself clean and tidy
  7. 13. a formal process of elimination
  8. 15. information gathered about the business
  9. 16. a range of useful personal attributes