- 2. it can protect you from rain
- 5. triangle, round, square, rectangle...
- 7. a period of time between holidays
- 8. if students want to stay at school after year 11 they go into the _____
- 10. you own a car = the car _______s to you
- 12. this verb collocates with 'a test' or 'an exam'
- 13. a subject at school that combines physics, chemistry and biology
- 16. dress-code at school
- 17. the opposite of forget
- 1. years 7 - 11 in British schools
- 3. a period of time between classes
- 4. I'm feel really uncomfortable giving a presentation in front of such a big _______
- 6. a state school is the opposite of a ______ school
- 9. something old you find; usually expensive and valuable
- 11. chemistry, physics, maths, Spanish, geography...
- 14. a small part of something; a _____ of gold
- 15. an area of open land, usually used for planting; a football _____