Preschool Crossword Puzzle

  1. 2. ability to coordinate sight with movement of the hands
  2. 4. evaluating how to respond to a situation by getting a social cue from a more experienced person
  3. 5. 2nd level of pretense in which the toddler uses one set of objects to represent another set of objects and pretends to do soemthing that involves other people or objects
  4. 10. wait until later to get what is wanted
  5. 12. not self-guided by interal values
  6. 15. conflict toddlers must resolve according to the second stage of Eriksons psychosocial theory
  7. 19. development of muscles especially those in the hands and fingers
  8. 22. lengthening and thickening of muscles
  9. 25. symbolic actions seen in play that mimic real situations
  10. 26. questions that only require a 1 or 2 word response
  11. 27. fine motor movements that are smooth and rather effortlesss
  12. 28. ability to label self and others as male or female
  13. 29. ability to recall and later imitate someones behavior
  14. 30. first level of pretense in which the toddler uses real objects or realistic toys and pretend sto do something that has to do with themselves
  1. 1. confidence a person has in his or her own worth, competence, and control
  2. 3. abnormal response to food triggered by the bodys immune system
  3. 6. doig as one chooses rather than what others want
  4. 7. person who speaks only one language
  5. 8. development of the trunk and arm and leg muscles
  6. 9. foods prepared for the entire family
  7. 11. solid foods that provide the nutirents infants and toddlers need in addition to their breast milk formula or whole cows milk
  8. 13. seeing in the minds eye or hearing in the minds ear in the abscene of a stimulus
  9. 14. being fluent in 2 languages
  10. 16. going back to an earlier stage of development
  11. 17. fats that are liquid at room temperature
  12. 18. special underpants or pants made of disposable diaper material that help lessen the mess of accidnets during the toilet learning
  13. 20. questions that require a descriptive response for an answer
  14. 21. ability to control ones self
  15. 23. sudden emotional outburst of anger commonly displayed by a toddler
  16. 24. persons ability to pronounce words that can be understood by others