Prescription Drug Abuse Among Teens

  1. 3. Abusing prescription drugs can cause a person to ______ which can ultimately lead to death.
  2. 4. When abused, opioids can cause drowsiness, ______, and depressed breathing.
  3. 5. This drug is typically prescribed to treat ADHD and is commonly thought of as a "learning aid" when students abuse it.
  4. 10. Prescription drug abuse is the use of a ___________ in a way not intended by the prescribing doctor.
  5. 13. Typically, _____ don't see prescription drugs as harmful to their children as they do illegal drugs.
  6. 14. _________ from friends and social groups can cause a teen to abuse prescription drugs.
  1. 1. How many adolescents abuse drugs for the first time every day according to the Foundation of a Drug Free World?
  2. 2. What is the earliest age that adolescents start abusing prescription drugs?
  3. 5. Taking prescription medications can ultimately lead to ________.
  4. 6. Teens will often ______ or share medications with friends or family.
  5. 7. ______ are one of the most commonly abused types of prescription drugs.
  6. 8. Prescription opioid abuse can lead to _______ abuse because they have similar effects when abused.
  7. 9. ______ percent of adolescents (12 years or older) use pain relievers non-medically from a friend or relative.
  8. 11. Prescription narcotics kill more people than all _______ combined.
  9. 12. What percentage of parents admitted to willingly giving their teen a prescription medication?