Present simple

  1. 1. Does he ___ to school?
  2. 3. We don't ___ our phones at school.
  3. 5. My sister ___ plants in the garden.
  4. 8. My best friend always____ his homework.
  5. 10. I ___ school at 2 p.m.
  6. 13. She usually __ TV at 7 o'clock.
  7. 15. We ___ never late for class.
  8. 16. I don't ___ my friends work.
  9. 17. He always ___ coffee in the morning.
  10. 18. My mother ___ to work by car.
  11. 19. He often ___ his car to keep it clean.
  12. 20. My sister ___ with friends after school.
  1. 2. My friend ___ to music in a car.
  2. 4. We ___ a break in the morning.
  3. 6. Our class ___ at 8 o'clock.
  4. 7. What do you usually ___ after class?
  5. 9. A good student____ a hand to speak.
  6. 11. I ___ my sister do her homework.
  7. 12. My father always ___ a big breakfast.
  8. 13. He always ___ new vocabulary in his notebook.
  9. 14. My friend____ in the classroom.