Present Tense

  1. 4. we make/we do
  2. 6. they leave
  3. 8. I come
  4. 11. we write
  5. 13. we put
  6. 16. I give
  7. 17. you take a shower
  8. 19. I am (description)
  9. 20. we bring
  10. 22. they come
  11. 23. they live
  12. 24. I tell (I say)
  13. 26. we give
  14. 27. I do ( I make)
  15. 28. I know (a fact, info, how to)
  1. 1. I put
  2. 2. we buy
  3. 3. we leave, we go out
  4. 5. I leave (I go out)
  5. 7. we get dressed (vestirse)
  6. 9. you write
  7. 10. I am (location, emotion)
  8. 12. I have
  9. 14. I go to bed (acostarse)
  10. 15. they write
  11. 16. they give
  12. 18. I know (a person or place)
  13. 21. I take a shower
  14. 22. we come
  15. 25. I go