"Presenting and practising language"Crossword.

  1. 6. In this approach an example of a structure and the grammatical rule is given first and then the language is practiced.
  2. 7. These types of texts give exposure to language as a whole and not just grammatical structure in isolation.
  3. 9. Here the students are encouraged to do their own research into language areas using grammar reference books; they then report back to the class. This approach is called Student-based______.
  4. 10. It is more important than grammar for communication purposes.
  5. 12. It is a way to check students' understanding by asking then to translate words or sentences.
  6. 13. This technique makes stress in words more easily perceived and experience suggests that there is little danger of them repeating the exaggeration outside the classroom.
  7. 15. It is an aspect of a structure which deals with the part of the speech, the pronunciation, spelling, etc.
  1. 1. It is an approach in which a context is established first from which the target structure is drawn.
  2. 2. It can be used to illustrate the meaning and to establish a context in which the target structure is said.
  3. 3. It is a process in which one sound is changed into another sound when words are linked.
  4. 4. This sub-skill is important for two main reasons: to help the students understand the spoken English they hear, and to help them make their own speech more comprehensible and meaningful to others.
  5. 5. This type of syllabus combines grammatical structures with the functions thought most useful for students at a particular level.
  6. 6. It is a short-spoken text which we listen to.
  7. 8. It is an aspect of vocabulary item that teacher should consider.
  8. 11. It is a pattern of rise and fall in the level (the pitch) of the voice, which often adds meaning to what is being said.
  9. 14. It is a vocabulary-record technique in which students put the words and expressions on one topic and new words can be added.