
  1. 2. government agency established by Congress
  2. 5. designed to ensure fair recruitement
  3. 9. highest ranking representative to other countries
  4. 10. ex: ttade barriers, tariffs
  5. 11. people who work for the government at the state. local, and federal levels
  6. 13. an individual serving an appointment to a political position
  7. 14. deal between the president and the leader of another country
  8. 16. directive of the president to control the federal branch
  9. 17. government agencies existing outside of the executive branch
  10. 19. how countries deal with foreign countries
  11. 20. encompasses national defense and foreign intelligence
  1. 1. deals/compromises with other countries
  2. 3. a system of civil servants
  3. 4. indirect method of election
  4. 6. the practice of a successful political party giving public office to its supporters
  5. 7. institution to guide the president
  6. 8. ban on trade
  7. 9. grant a pardon
  8. 12. to cancel/postpone a punishment
  9. 15. administrative body of the executive branch
  10. 18. appointed representatives when people cast their vote