President Crossword Puzzle

  1. 2. This president was a strong believer in United States industry and was commander in chief during the Spanish American War.
  2. 7. This president was a large proponent of the Affordable Care Act, and it was passed under his presidency.
  3. 8. This president changed directions from Lincoln’s reconstruction plan once in office and was the first president to be impeached.
  4. 10. This president is the first president to serve two non consecutive terms and is best known for using the veto power on laws.
  5. 12. This is an abbreviated name for the president that came up with the New Deal during the Great Depression.
  6. 15. This president is famous for warning European nations to not colonize any more lands in the American territories.
  7. 16. This president was in office during the Cuban Missile Crisis, but was not able to finish his term due to an assassination.
  8. 18. This president conducted a massive trade deal that helped America trade with Canada and Mexico in the 90’s.
  9. 20. This president struggled with his administration to help ease the problems of the Great Depression.
  10. 22. This president had the shortest presidency of 31 days after passing away from pneumonia.
  11. 23. Decided to drop the atomic bomb in World War II after only being in office for 82 days.
  1. 1. This president was a big advocate for the League of Nations as he believed in cooperation among nations after the first world war.
  2. 3. This Civil War general turned president had to deal with the aftermath of the war trying to pass the Fifteenth Amendment.
  3. 4. This president wrote the Declaration of Independence and was one of the first members of the Democratic-Republican party.
  4. 5. Was This 16th president was commander in chief during the Civil War and famously wore a tall hat.
  5. 6. This fiscally conservative president served during the 1920’s.
  6. 9. This president ran on the idea that they would construct a border wall between the United States and Mexico.
  7. 11. This president helped improve relations with the U.S.S.R and stopped fighting in Vietnam and was the only president to resign from office.
  8. 13. The 1st president and commander in the Revolutionary War.
  9. 14. This president was known to compromise and gets credit for penning the Constitution.
  10. 17. This World War II general turned president tried to ease the tensions of the Cold War and started the framework for the highway system we have today.
  11. 19. This president was famous for getting stuck in the White House bathtub.
  12. 21. This labor supporting president tried to help preserve the earth through the creation of national parks.