Pressure Ulcers

  1. 2. How to prevent and treat PUs to heels
  2. 4. Most common PU location (other than heels)
  3. 5. Yellow stuff often in category 3 PUs
  4. 6. "K" in SSKIN
  5. 9. NOT a DTI
  6. 10. PU with partial thickness skin loss
  7. 11. "I" in SSKIN
  8. 13. Send this form if you find a pressure ulcer
  9. 14. In MASD, "m" is _____
  10. 15. product type for MASD
  11. 16. Pressure ulcer risk assessment
  12. 18. Categories are based on it
  1. 1. Pressure ulcers don't do this
  2. 3. Minimum number of hours to reposition patients in
  3. 5. Other force that can cause PUs
  4. 7. "N" in SSKIN
  5. 8. Usually visible in category 4 PUs
  6. 12. DTI texture
  7. 13. Cause of most PUs in children
  8. 17. Tray colour for help at mealtimes