Preventing Falls

  1. 3. Put grab bars in your (part of your bathroom)
  2. 4. Who can fall?
  3. 5. One out of __ adults fall
  4. 7. Who do you ask if you have questions about falling?
  5. 9. Look at your __ before getting up with help
  6. 10. Wear grippy __ in the hospital at all times (think feet)
  7. 13. Most fractures are caused by a
  8. 14. Wear proper fitting (think feet)
  1. 1. What team comes by in the hospital to assess how you walk?
  2. 2. Have your doctor tell you about you ___ side effects
  3. 6. Participate in regular __ if PT cleared you
  4. 8. Avoid __, trips, and broken hips
  5. 11. __ don't fall
  6. 12. Most falls occur in the
  7. 13. One out of __ people fall in the hospital