Preventing Infection

  1. 4. type of precaution to prevent the spread of airborne pathogens
  2. 6. removing soil from surface
  3. 7. waste containing blood or other potentially infectious substances
  4. 9. this type of transmission happens with you come into contact with an objected that has been infected by someone else
  1. 1. the process by which infection is spread
  2. 2. this is why we wear goggles
  3. 3. type of precaution used to prevent the spread of infection caused by microorganisms transmitted by direct or indirect contact
  4. 5. drugs that inhibits the growth of or kills certain microorganisms
  5. 8. this type of transmission occurs from one person to another or when infected blood or body fluids come in direct contact with broken skin or mucous membranes
  6. 10. precautions used to prevent the spread of infection caused by coughing, sneezing, or talking