Priesthood Ordinances

  1. 3. One of the two offices that are necessary parts of the lesser priesthood. D&C 84:30
  2. 5. The greater priesthood holds the key of the _____ of the kingdom, even the key of the knowledge of God. D&C 84:19
  3. 7. Who in D&C 84:27 had the Aaronic Priesthood?
  4. 8. Without the priesthood, the power of ______ is not manifest unto men D&C 84:21
  5. 10. Where are some priesthood ordinances performed? D&C 138:54
  6. 11. What priesthood ordinance do we participate in each Sunday? D&C 27:2
  7. 13. "______ by immersion for the remission of sins" AofF 4
  8. 14. the lesser priesthood D&C 107:20
  1. 1. "Laying on of hands for the gift of the _____ ____." AofF 4
  2. 2. the greater priesthood D&C 107:2
  3. 4. "We believe that a man must be _____ of God" AofF 5
  4. 6. "...which priesthood also continueth and abideth" D&C 84:18
  5. 9. One of the two offices that are necessary parts of the lesser priesthood. D&C 84:30
  6. 12. "...which priesthood holdeth the key of the _____ of angels" D&C 84:26