- 2. The average weather over a long period of time
- 5. Farming A few different types of farming
- 6. Jobs from manufacturing or processing
- 8. Likes to chase mice
- 9. Major Lake in Galway
- 11. Primary activity
- 12. Name a physical landscape
- 13. The raising of livestock and the growing of crops
- 15. Another name for tillage
- 16. Soil in the west of Ireland uplands
- 17. Has a trunk
- 18. Soil Common Soil in Ireland
- 1. Jobs from the land, Sea
- 3. Tertiary Activity
- 4. Jobs from services
- 7. When a soil is productive it is called?
- 10. Secondary Activity
- 12. Uppermost layer of the earth
- 14. Word for flat or mountainous landscape
- 18. Flying mammal