primary vol2

  1. 3. Saying one, two, three ...
  2. 4. Your parent's daughter
  3. 7. Your parent's brother
  4. 8. Shoes you wear to play sport or running
  5. 11. Long shoes you wear in winter
  6. 12. Your parent's son
  7. 14. out To use scissors and make smaller pieces
  8. 15. Your parent's sister
  9. 17. Sticking
  10. 19. Your parent's mother
  1. 1. A type of clothing you wear in cold winter
  2. 2. Your uncle or aunt's child
  3. 5. A type of coat you wear in wet weather
  4. 6. Strong trousers
  5. 9. Short trousers
  6. 10. Your parent's dad
  7. 13. out To erase
  8. 14. You use these to color
  9. 16. A warm clothing to wear in winter
  10. 18. The thing you use to cover yourself from the Sun and rain