Private and public places

  1. 4. synonym for "illness"
  2. 6. The English for "promouvoir"
  3. 8. The English for "dossier médical"
  4. 10. the English for "médicament"
  5. 11. the identification of the nature of an illness
  6. 13. when confidential information is exposed
  7. 15. The English for "mettre en place"
  8. 16. The English for un "scientifique"
  9. 17. synonym for "revolutionary"
  1. 1. It is a thread-like structure made up of DNA
  2. 2. cause someone to be vulnerable or at risk; endanger
  3. 3. Stealing of information through unauthorized access to computer systems.
  4. 5. The English for "recherche"
  5. 7. the English for "avancé, sophistiqué"
  6. 9. the abbreviation for Artifical Intelligence
  7. 11. a self-replicating material that is present in nearly all living organisms as the main constituent of chromosomes
  8. 12. a secondary and undesirable effect of medical treatment.
  9. 14. a sudden and important discovery