Probability Vocabulary

  1. 6. P(B/A) = P(A and B)/P(A)
  2. 9. States that as more and more trials of a chance process occur, the probability will approach a single value.
  3. 11. When the probability of one event occurring has no effect on the probability of another.
  4. 12. P(A and B) = P(A)*P(B/A)
  5. 14. A number between 0 and 1 which desribes the proportion of times the outcome would occur in a series of repetitions.
  6. 17. A diagram of two or three circles that show one category, another, and their intersections.
  7. 18. An imitation of chance behavior done through a model that reflects the actual situation.
  8. 20. The set of all possible outcomes or results for an experiment.
  1. 1. A set of elements that both belong to one set and another.
  2. 2. P(A or B) = P(A) + P(B)
  3. 3. A mathmatical representation of a random phenomenon.
  4. 4. The probability that an event will occur given the knowledge that another event has already occurred.
  5. 5. A synonym for mutually exclusive.
  6. 7. Describes a set of events that cannot occur at the same time.
  7. 8. The probability of an event not occurring.
  8. 10. Probability of an event that will always occur.
  9. 13. Probability of an event that will never occur.
  10. 15. A diagram that shows all possible outcomes of an event and has branches
  11. 16. A set of elements that had initially belonged to two separate sets of elements.
  12. 19. In probability theory, it is the set of outcomes of an experiment.