Product Planning & Development Terms

  1. 2. refrecs to the number of different product lines
  2. 3. includes all the products a company makes or sells
  3. 4. include a complete revision or new model
  4. 6. brands sold by the same company
  5. 8. related to the parts, materials or construction elements of a product
  6. 9. includes a slected group of people used to anaylze and test the concept of a given product
  7. 10. introducing a product
  8. 11. helps to position a product within a given market
  9. 13. name of a company
  10. 16. maintaining product standards
  11. 19. should occur at each stage of the production process
  1. 1. cannot be touched, tasted, seen or felt; are performed as an “action”
  2. 2. sample of product
  3. 5. describes a specific brand
  4. 7. include marketing or selling a product in an exclusive area
  5. 12. refers to the way a product works or looks
  6. 14. refers to the number of different product lines
  7. 15. providing critical product information
  8. 17. can be identified as a good or service
  9. 18. items available for customers to purchase