Professional communication

  1. 2. Vocabulary Games Crossword puzzles
  2. 3. More Nothing develops vocabulary and language skills like reading.
  3. 4. Respectful Listen and voice your opinion in a nice way
  4. 8. Open your mind to new reading
  5. 10. Feedback Summarizing what the speaker is saying and asking questions
  6. 13. Eye Contact Makes you seem believable
  7. 14. Away from Jargon This includes not only social media blurbs like "LOL" or "OMG" but also business-speak such as "bottom line" and "think outside the box."
  8. 15. Your Body Language Facial expressions, gestures, stance
  1. 1. Interaction Ask questions, get feedback
  2. 3. Learned best by doing
  3. 5. About Your Audience Are the words ones that your audience will understand?
  4. 6. Attention Look at the speaker
  5. 7. Then Revise Write your first draft quickly to get your ideas out, then edit and revise for clarity.
  6. 9. Like You Talk Always write in first person and try to find the same tone and voice
  7. 11. Interrupt Let the speaker finish before offering a countering point of view
  8. 12. to the Point Before you write, understand your objectives, who you are writing to.
  9. 14. You Are Listening Nod, smile, and use your own body language