
  1. 2. A person's regular occupation, profession, or trade
  2. 7. Maintain ___ work habit
  3. 9. Always arrive on __ to your job
  4. 10. The clothing you wear while at a business
  5. 12. A company's brand ______ elicits an emotional response in a specific consumer segment, with the intention of inciting positive actions that benefit the firm.
  6. 13. Never lie to anyone at your job if you do something and instead own up and take ____
  7. 16. A positive or negative way you act a job
  8. 17. The standards for morally right and wrong conduct in business
  9. 18. Ability to communicate ideas effectively
  10. 19. Always be ___ at work
  1. 1. Valuing people and creating value for people
  2. 3. Communicating effectively and appropriately and always finding a way to be productive
  3. 4. Something a woman might wear while working for a business
  4. 5. Some of the most important attributes include integrity, an understanding of time, creativity and the right mix of confidence and humility.
  5. 6. Always have ___ for the people at your job
  6. 8. Develop a professional ___
  7. 11. Competence, Knowledge, Conscientiousness, Integrity, Respect, Emotional Intelligence, Appropriateness, and Confidence are all Professional ___
  8. 12. Competence and skill expected from a professional
  9. 14. Something a man might wear while working for a business
  10. 15. Always act in a ___ not negative way toward the people at your job