professions crossword

  1. 3. i repair machines ,car or motorcycle.
  2. 5. my hair is verry long i want to cut it so i go to ...
  3. 6. quick call the ... before the criminal run away
  4. 8. i catch fish every day i am a....
  5. 9. i bring food to costumers table who am i ?
  6. 11. i teaching students at school who am i ?
  7. 13. i make people happy with my magic tricks i am a ...
  8. 16. i treat animals who are sick iam a...
  9. 18. i helping people find books and check them out im a ...
  10. 19. my tooth its hurt i have to go to the ...
  11. 20. i sell flower and plants and i make a bouquet of flower who am i ?
  1. 1. i make mens clothes i am a ...
  2. 2. i attend to a court and i defend my client.
  3. 4. i make and cook a bread im a...
  4. 7. i cutting down trees who am i?
  5. 8. look that house is on fire quick call ...
  6. 10. i works in a shop and i sell medicines
  7. 12. i live in farm an i plant crops in the field who am i ?
  8. 14. i cook or make food at restourant who am i ?
  9. 15. i help doctors to take care or treat of patient.
  10. 17. i I fly an airplane who am i ?