progressive era

  1. 3. 4. Pure Food and Drug, 7. Federal Reserve, 9. Conservation
  2. 4. providing for the direct election of U.S. senators (19 __)
  3. 5. allowing the federal government to collect income taxes (19 __)
  4. 6. Labor, 3. 17th, 5. Clayton Antitrust, 6. Progressive, 8. National Park Service
  5. 8. income tax
  6. 11. granting women the right to vote (19 __)
  7. 12. established to regulate the nation's money supply (1913)
  1. 1. aimed at preserving natural resources
  2. 2. antitrust laws (1914)
  3. 7. established to manage national parks (1916)
  4. 9. regulating the sale of food and drugs (1906)
  5. 10. regulating the working conditions of children