Progressive Era Crossword

  1. 6. this act banned monopolies after other laws failed to do so
  2. 7. this act helped end the spoils system, and stated that job applicants cannot be based on race, politics or religion
  3. 10. This program focuses on the three Cs, even though the shape its named after has four lines
  1. 1. Roosevelt was a huge one of these, which is why Teddy Bears are named after him, and why we have so many national parks
  2. 2. His actions were the opposite of WEB Dubois, and wanted African Americans to fight for their rights and take action, not just sit back
  3. 3. One of the most people in the bank industry, but he is also known in the railroad industry, his banks are still popular today
  4. 4. President Roosevelt was known as one of these, destroyed monopolies to save the economy
  5. 5. even though Taft supported Roosevelt and helped carry on the Square Deal, this event fueled by politics separated the two friends
  6. 8. the 16th amendment (income taxes) was created under this president in 1913
  7. 9. this act provided protection for national parks, and was established by Roosevelt in 1906 and is still under effect