Progressive Era Presidents

  1. 3. This Republican president was supposed to continue Roosevelt's policies. Instead, his actions divided the Republican Party.
  2. 8. During the 1902 _____ Strike, Roosevelt told business owners they had to negotiate with striking workers.
  3. 11. While he was president, Roosevelt's progressive reforms were known as the _____________.
  4. 13. One of the monopolies broken up while Roosevelt was president was a powerful railroad monopoly created by the _____________ Company.
  5. 14. Roosevelt used the _________ Antitrust Act to break up bad monopolies and trusts.
  1. 1. Wilson supported the _________ Antitrust Act which gave the government more power to break up monopolies.
  2. 2. Roosevelt supported ____________ to protect the environment and natural resources.
  3. 4. Under Wilson, the Federal _____________ was created to stop monopolies and false advertising.
  4. 5. During Taft's presidency, Rockefeller's ___________ Company was declared a monopoly and broken up.
  5. 6. This Democrat won the Election of 1912 due to a major split in the Republican Party.
  6. 7. In 1912, Roosevelt formed his own third party called the Progressive or ____________ Party.
  7. 9. Roosevelt was known as a "_________" for taking on trusts and monopolies.
  8. 10. Under Wilson, the ______________ was created to regulate the nation's money supply.
  9. 12. Wilson signed a law in 1913 to lower federal ___________ on imported goods.