Progressive Era

  1. 3. Process in which citizens put a proposed new law directly on the ballot?
  2. 6. 1913 constitutional amendment that gave congress the authority to levy an income tax?
  3. 9. Protect natural resources?
  4. 10. Election in which no ones knows who you are voting for?
  5. 12. Placed same controls on other foods and medicines it also banned interstate shipments of impure and mislabeled food and medicines?
  6. 14. Party Network of farmer organizations that worked for political and economic reforms in the late 1800's?
  7. 18. TO strengthen earlier antitrust laws by spelling out hose activities in which businesses could not engage?
  8. 19. instituted the direct election of senators by the people of each state?
  9. 20. Gave ICC strong enforcement powers?
  1. 1. Process that allows citizens to approve or reject a law passed by a legislature?
  2. 2. Government departments and their nonelected employees?
  3. 4. a faster way to transport water?
  4. 5. Companies Can't come together to control?
  5. 7. Protecting natural resources in national parks?
  6. 8. constitutional amendment that gave women the right to vote?
  7. 11. Placed national banks under control of federal reserve board?
  8. 13. Election in which citizens themselves vote to select nominees for upcoming elections?
  9. 15. Political Party formed in 1891 to advocate a larger money supply and other money reforms?
  10. 16. amendment banning the manufacturing, transporting and sale of alcohol in the u.s?
  11. 17. Make federal agents inspect any meat sold across state lines and required inspections of meant packaging plants?