Progressive Era

  1. 1. Big business leaders were abusing their wealth in order to _________ the government and politics.
  2. 2. Reformers who supported Temperance and Prohibition believed alcohol led to _________ behavior.
  3. 4. What is a slum apartment building that developed in urban, industrial societies?
  4. 5. __________ issues, like housing and poverty were prominent in cities.
  5. 8. Women's rights were achieved when Women's _________ was granted.
  6. 10. The words, Conservation, National Parks, and Preserving Resources correspond to which reform?
  7. 12. Upton Sinclair ______________ the problems in many meat factories and the President dislikes these problems.
  8. 13. Government was needed to protect __________ from unfair business practices.
  9. 16. In order to correct unfair business practices, ___________ wanted government to regulate business.
  10. 19. What rights did Women's suffrage grant?
  11. 20. The Spoils System - government leaders give family and friends government positions, without being ___________.
  12. 21. The purpose of the Sherman __________ Act was to destroy monopolies and big business.
  13. 23. There was a large _________ between the rich and the poor.
  14. 24. President Roosevelt was a progressive who focused on environment reform by establishing National ________.
  1. 1. ______________ is the preservation of land and resources for present and future generations.
  2. 3. They encouraged progressive reforms because they exposed many political, economic and social evils of the time period.
  3. 6. Under the Sherman Antitrust Act __________ were broken up.
  4. 7. What were Big Business leaders known as?
  5. 9. Most of the wealth was controlled by a ________ group of business leaders, which lead to a large poor population.
  6. 11. The _________ Movement was about reforming working conditions - creating shorter working days and higher wages.
  7. 14. _________ issues, like corruption in government were big concerns.
  8. 15. The problems in the meat packing industry led to government ______________ of businesses.
  9. 17. The government passed the Food and Drug Act because government was needed to __________ business.
  10. 18. Rockefeller was a very ________ man, who controlled the oil industry.
  11. 22. What was created to protect black rights and challenge discrimination?