Progressive Movement

  1. 5. investigates people who endanger the international community with their actions?
  2. 7. Amendment, the power to collect income tax is at the hands of the federal government
  3. 8. law restricts commerce and competition in the market place?
  4. 10. Sinclair,Published "The Jungle" which exposed the meat-packing industry conditions
  5. 11. Movement,addressed problems caused by industrialization and sought for social reforms
  6. 13. is in charge of the agricultural department along with overseeing the quality of food?
  7. 16. Roosevelt,established a national parks system
  8. 17. ensures the protection of public health
  9. 18. Food and Drug, foundation of the FDA and banned misbranded and adulterated products
  10. 19. Inspection, meat products must be killed and processed under sanitary conditions for better health
  1. 1. Amendment, which amendment gave women voting rights?
  2. 2. Amendment, which amendment ensured people to vote for their senators?
  3. 3. Pinchot,important figure in American conservation movement and tripled the nation's forest reserves
  4. 4. Reclamation,irrigation projects are now federally funded
  5. 5. Tarbell,who exposed the unjust practices of oil companies, leading to a break in the monopoly?
  6. 6. Act,a law in which limited passes offered maximum rates were established for railroads
  7. 9. step to clarify an issue and settle the problem
  8. 12. act, what prohibited railroad companies from giving rebates that shipped large quantities of goods?
  9. 14. forces employees to become more productive benefiting sales revenue
  10. 15. voters have the power to remove an elected official in office before their term has ended