Progressive spirit of reform

  1. 4. followed Theodore Roosevelt as president but upset many progressive.
  2. 7. Roosevelt also was the first president to successfully use the 1819____________ to break a monopoly.
  3. 10. most popular vote in________ Wilson (democrat)
  4. 11. traffics angered progressive's further by signing the payne-Aldrich Tariff of _____.
  5. 12. won the election of 1912 the after the Republican vote was split between two other candidates.
  6. 13. party it was nicknamed ______________ because Roosevelt said he was "as strong as a bullmoose."
  7. 14. allow to government to impose taxes directly on citizens incomes.
  8. 15. Roosevelt doubled the number of national parks created 18 _____________ and started 15 bird sanctuaries
  1. 1. form by Theodore Roosevelt in 1912 to challenge Pres. Taft.
  2. 2. to protect nature and its resources.
  3. 3. pres. Wilson next addressed banking form with the 1913 ___________________ this law created the national banking system
  4. 5. _____________________ was Wilson's top goal.
  5. 6. law that prohibited the sale of mislabeled or contaminated food and drugs.
  6. 8. believed in interest of business people and librers should be balanced for the public good.
  7. 9. _______________________ 1914 strengthen federal laws against monopolies